Dragon Booster
Dragon Booster (2004)

Dragon Booster

(77 ses berýär)


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Dragon Booster - Möwsüm 1

Möwsüm 1

Dragon Booster - Möwsüm 2

Möwsüm 2

Dragon Booster - Möwsüm 3

Möwsüm 3

Dragon Booster - Möwsüm 4

Möwsüm 4



At first when I started seeing ads for Dragon Booster saying that it was coming to ABC Family I wasn't sure if was going to be anything good. But when I checked out the pilot episode I thought the series was good.

When the nostalgia hits, you can't help but binge watch the whole three seasons of one of your favorite childhood TV show in a single day. It's too underrated but it's an amazing show, I'm still bitter we didn't get season 4.

When you first hear dragon booster your like "what?" but it's not what you might think, no fire blazing or flying going on in here.

Dragons. Now and for a long time a popular mythical creature.

When i first saw this, as usual it took time for the glorious graphics to stand aside so i could really scan it's true side. And it's nothing bad, mind you.
